All Odours Gone Edmonton

We Eliminate Any Odour
Completed Within 24 Hours
Guaranteed to Remove All Elevated Odours


Welcome To All Odours Gone Edmonton – Miracle Vapor Gassing System™


Call 780-885-1666 For Your Free Inspection Today

Watch our video testimonials of how we made extremely miserable odour conditions livable again within 24 hours.

Note to the public: In the following videos, we did not remove carpet. We did not seal or paint the walls or ceilings.
We did not saturate the carpet with an enzyme. We simply used our product and eliminated all odours within 24 hours,  saving these clients thousands of dollars from normal procedures of removing carpet and pad, sealing and painting walls, etc…



“We had a beautiful motor home that was in great shape. Unfortunately, we smoked in it for almost 10 years and when we went to sell it everyone said that they would buy it except for the strong smoke odour. So we searched the internet for solutions and tried a company that told us that an ozone treatment would remove the smoke odour. We paid him for his services but the smoke odour returned virtually just as strong as it was before. We then called Blaine at All Odours Gone and he came over and gave us an estimate which we approved and gave him the go-ahead to do the work. Amazing results! Smoke smell is gone and we sold the unit within a week without having to drop our price. Great work!”

Joan D.

Free Odour Removal Inspections

We have always given free visual odour inspections. We will visually inspect your entire home, which includes the attic and crawlspace, if needed. The free inspection only applies to the owner of the property. We will perform a free visual odour inspection for a rental as long as we have permission from the owner of the property.

Call 780-885-1666 To Schedule Your Free Inspection

These Are The Top 6 Odours Most Clients Need Removed

1. Cigarette smoke odour removal.

2. ( Forest ) Fire odour removal

3. Cooking odours completely removed, such as fish and curry.

4. Automobile odours are gone completely with our system within 2 hours.

5. Musty basement and crawl space odour removal.

6. Pet urine odour elimination.

Our Chlorine Dioxide odour elimination treatment is perfect for…

Homes, Basements, Apartment Buildings, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Heath Care Facilities, Law Enforcement Facilities, Hotels, Motels, Commercial Buildings, Warehouses, Restaurants, Bars, Gyms, Containers, Kennels, Dumpsters, Storage Units, Cabins, Yachts, Shipping Containers & all types of Vehicles!

And the list goes on and on…

Call 780-885-1666 To Schedule Your Free Inspection

Chlorine Dioxide Was Used In The 2001 Anthrax Cleanup

In 2001 when the Brentwood Post Office and the Hart Senate Building were attacked with anthrax, Chlorine Dioxide was one of the chemicals used for the cleanup and decontamination of anthrax. Anthrax is spread by spores or by skin contact. Chlorine Dioxide gas attacks the spores in the air and Chlorine Dioxide liquid takes care of surface cleaning. CLO2 was successful in the elimination of the anthrax disease. Another great article on CLO2 is by the American Chemistry Council. Also check out the following article, Safety and Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide for Legionella Control in a Hospital Water System

Imagine Complete Odour Elimination Within 24 Hours

Before I discovered Chlorine Dioxide for odour elimination, I would need to find the odor source and remove it by using a specific enzyme for the type of odor or another odor removal product, and completely saturate the area with the enzyme. This was not very efficient because odors penetrate areas outside the source. It was nearly impossible to get 100% odour removal. I actually stopped doing odour removal jobs for nearly ten years and only recently started back with our Revolutionary miracle gassing system that 100% removes any and all odours within 24 hours.

Our exclusive odour elimination system will permanently remove all odours like no one else can. We took a system that was already working adequately and spent thousands to improve on it. We figured out the proper Chlorine Dioxide parts per million needed to destroy any odour. Our system will find the odour molecules in all areas of the property and neutralize them by completely oxidizing the odour and leaving behind a harmless “salt”. The odour is gone forever without leaving behind any toxic chemicals.

How does the All Odours Gone Miracle Vapor Gassing System™ Remove Odours in my home or business?

The miracle gas I’m talking about is “Chlorine Dioxide”. Most people that I talk with have never heard of Chlorine Dioxide. People often think its bleach, (which is NsCIO or Sodium Hypochlorite) I even thought it was bleach when I first learned about this powerful, safe, odor killing product. Like bleach, Chlorine Dioxide  is also used as a sanitizing and bleaching agent. But unlike bleach, Chlorine Dioxide is very safe to use, and Chlorine Dioxide will not leave any toxic residue. Our product produces a dense gas that is attracted to the odor particles, disintegrates them and leaves only a trace of biodegradable residue, or “salts”.

Chlorine Dioxide gas has a short life span, it does its job by oxidizing the odour and then becomes a harmless salt. This really is a miracle odour eliminator.

Chlorine Dioxide was discovered in 1811 by Sir Humphrey Davey. In 1944 it was used as a commercial Biocide control agent in domestic water at Niagara Falls. In 2001 Chlorine Dioxide was used to decontaminate the buildings in the United States after the anthrax attacks. Then in 2005 it was used after Hurricane Katrina to eradicate dangerous mold from homes and businesses inundated by water from the massive flooding.

Chlorine Dioxide Gas Size Chart

Size Does Matter When It Come To Chlorine Dioxide Gas Penetration

Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecule Size = 0.124 Nanometers or 8.06451612903 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules = 1 Nanometer

(1000 Nanometers = 1 Micron)

(Oxygen = 0.0005 Micron in size) (Approximately 4 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 0.0005 microns)
(Atmospheric Dust = 0.001-40 Microns in size) (Approx. 8 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 0.001 microns)
(Viruses = 0.005 – 0.3  Microns in size) (Approximately 40 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 0.005 microns)
(Tobacco Smoke = 0.01 – 4 Microns in size) (Approximately 80 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 0.01 microns)
(Ozone = 0.1 – 0.2 Microns in size) (Approximately 800 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 0.1 microns)
(Lead = 0.1-0.7 Microns in size) (Approximately 800 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 0.1 microns)
(Bacteria = 0.3 – 60 Microns in size) (Approximately 2,400 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 0.3 microns)
(Insecticide Dusts = 0.5-10 Microns in size) (Approximately 4,000 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 0.5 microns)
(Pet Dander = 0.5 – 100 Microns in size) (Approximately 4,000 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 0.5 microns)
(Anthrax = 1- 5 Microns in size)  (Approximately 8,000 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 1 micron)
(Mold Spores = 10 – 30 Microns in size)  (Approximately 80,000 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 10 microns)
(Pollen = 10 – 1000 Microns in size) (Approximately 80,000 Chlorine Dioxide Gas Molecules  will fit inside 10 microns)

As you can see from the examples above, Chlorine Dioxide Gas can penetrate much deeper into indoor materials, than most toxins, pollen’s, viruses or bacteria. This is why Chlorine Dioxide Gas works so well at eliminating indoor odours, reducing indoor allergens, destroying indoor viruses and bacteria. Chlorine Dioxide Gas is truly the Miracle Vapor Gassing System™ of the 21st century.

Commercial Ozone Generators for Rent

Call 780-885-1666 for pricing

Quick Odour Relief
We Eliminate Any and All Odours
Completed Within 24 Hours
CALL TODAY 780-885-1666